In days gone by there was quite a desire for the formal train – luminous fabric that flows elegantly behind like a princess (think Princess Grace of Monaco)!
What an exquisite look but is it for today?? Can this work as you trudge around the winery in your high heels or have a funky modern wedding in the park, beach, restaurant or the Art gallery? Of course if you are still doing the church it’s an elegant option. Church aisles are perfect for this – aerial shots of royal weddings have stayed in our imaginations. Let’s consider the train as a practical option.
There are 2 categories of trains– the integrated or attached train and the detached or removable. These 2 are fairly self-explanatory – one being integrated as part of the gown and the other can be removed. Simple? No - far from it. If you delve into the subject of trains it could do your head in as there’s a bamboozling amount of variations that exsist. Try this and guess what they all mean?
“The Watteau”(sewn across the back then falls to the floor),
“The Empire” (attached at shoulder blades and trials to the floor),
“The Natural”,
“Floor length”,
“The Sweep” (extends 1 foot from the body),
“The Chapel”,
“The Cathedral”,
“The Royal” (not for us mere mortals as this one needs several attendants to move around as it’s 25 feet long! That’s why they need the aerial shots!).
IF you are a blushing bride- to- be you can ask a gown designer to show you drawings of all of the above, but the fact is I have seen less and less of them at modern weddings. Are they practical? Well what has practical to do with it? Again I come back to this. It’s one day and one WOW moment. If it’s your dream to glide in trailing a like a princess - go for it!