Spring is traditionally the most romantic wedding season. Flowers bloom, grass is green! So many people love a garden wedding and prefer it to look lush not parched plus the sweet smells of the spring flowers only add to the atmosphere. The Aussie Spring 2009 has so far been a bit testing – red dust storms in NSW (that would turn your white dress rusty!), wild blustery, winds! (hairstyle dramas, bridesmaids holding their skirts down!). Outside weddings in general lead to some fashion challenges let alone mad weather creating havoc. But I am not thinking disasters I am thinking flowers!!
Spring is a gorgeous time to get married – most especially for flowers and the whole born again feeling as we come out of winter. The prettiest and most fragrant of flowers can be found in Spring. I personally just love the smell of Jasmine and love the idea of this fragrance permeating the wedding venue.
Other spring blooms with all the happy promise of new beginnings - tulips (above), which come in a vibrant range of shades. The smooth, waxy ‘U’ shaped flower comes in gorgeous pastels, vivid red, orange, hot pink, rich yellow and dark purple, anemones, bluebells, camellias, crocuses, forget-me-nots, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, lilies of the valley, narcissi, pansies, ranunculuses, violets. Having mentioned all those pretty ones, white roses (below) are hard to go past! They have the special traditional meaning of innocence and I kind of favour them as the base of your bouquet to compliment other flowers, as they are so elegant.
I had them in my own bouquet with lilies and other greenery - so pretty!! I also LOVE them in your hair.
Let’s all go outside now - if it’s sunny - and inhale the sumptuous aroma of Spring!