I understand that there are all these super fashion savvy gals who trawl through e-bay and find the most amazing designer pieces. Cute Chanel skirts, Chloe frocks, boots from Christian Louboutin. I have friends who have found all of that online and it seems to work out brilliantly. But your wedding dress?? All I can think of is the risks!! Maybe you have dressmaking skills so you can fix it up if it's ill fitting, but I fear that is the least of your worries.
We recently had a bride email us about an utter disaster. She was sent the wrong dress and then sheer panic set in as the wedding date loomed and she had NO DRESS!
Perhaps this indicates only that you should be careful who you buy from online, but my personal view is different. How can you be confident about the gown unless you have actually eye-balled it? In fact if you love clothes and fashion the gown search is a big part of the intense joy of getting married.
Furthermore when it comes to your wedding gown don't you need to:
- Feel and choose the fabric and embellishments?
- View all the work of the couturier or designer up close?
- Have that exciting expereince of trying lots of different styles on (in lots of places)?
- Have the opportunity to customize the gown to suit you?
Can it be that the motivation to purchase online is that you may get a bargain? Could it be the thrill of the internet search? If so you can still search online and no doubt assist your knowledge of where to go to find what you want. However I can't imagine forfeiting the fabulous experience of visiting many glorious parlors full of stunning wedding creations and being pampered by the experience.
I've said it before - it's only once in your life (hopefully) so why compromise?
(See below gorgeous strapless, ruffle skirt couture gown from Annette Of Melbourne.)