Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wedding Shoes

 (pictured shoe from Cinderella Bella called "Scarlet")

For some the humble shoe is an after thought. A thought that takes place after the wedding gown choice. It's that gown you have to match so shoe spotting is a bit of a waste of time until you know about the rest.  Following that huge decision about the dress, suddenly you can get shoe panic. You don't know where to turn and what to go for! It's worth remembering some key things
  • How long will you be in these shoes and if you want a killer sexy heel then how much foot pain can you bear? (Weddings are always a long day!! Anybody who's had agony at the race knows to avoid it on the happiest day of your life.)
  • Colour does not have to be perfect match of cream or white. 
  • Colour options with a cream or white dress are metallic- silver, bronze gold
  • Couture shoes do exist - so if you must match with exact fabric of dress - it can be done.
  • Expensive shoes aren't always more comfy but often natural materials eg; leather, silk fabric are less painful than synthetic ones.  
  • Your size and type of foot - (I mean narrow, wide, long, tiny) has to be considered before you choose a shape. Avoid the squeeze!
For a certain gal shoes have equal importantance from the start - shoe connoisseurs or dare I say shoe fetishists are devoted to a gorgeous shoe and believe it pulls everything together . This type of fashionista is usually willing to sacrifice comfort too. Even if they are under a big long dress and only glimpsed occasionally that shoe has to be HOT!

Can you have it all? - comfort and beauty? - some say yes - depends on your foot and the shoe. They have to go together. So many people I know swear that outrageous shapes and heels are "really comfy" when I know it would kill me. Maye it's their own peculiar foot! I totally understand that for your wedding a shoe that's pretty or even better outstandingly beautiful can win over some practical compromise. As usual it's up to you.

Anyway I love these shoes pictured - all available at the gorgeous Melbourne shoe shop Cinderella Bella. Great name for a shop as Cinderella got the perfect fit didn't she?    

That nice big pretty heel is from Badgley Mischka and is called Miscka.
The practical and flat - very cute! is called Samantha.

Till next time.

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